The Football Betting Pools

Everything seems so easy for younger people who are interested in แทงบอลออนไลน์. If they like it, there’s not much that they can’t bet on. You can even bet on computer games being played online by people you have never met (known as eSports), because bookmakers want to make sure they cover every possible scenario. Technology has allowed bettors to sit down in restaurants with their families and have a chat about which team will win the throw-in or send off a player. Recent changes have brought the industry to a new level.
This is why it is difficult for punters of today to grasp the significance of football betting, which was introduced almost one hundred years ago. The only legal gambling that was available at the time was on horse racing tracks. It was not possible to bet on football betting in any other way than a dodgy, backstreet or friendly wager with a friend. This page will tell you all about the history and evolution of football betting.
The History and Origins of the Football Betting Pools
Most people today associate football betting’s origins with Littlewoods, a Liverpool-based company that was founded by John Moores. Moores is certainly the one who popularized it. But, what many don’t know is that the game was invented by John Jervis Barnard. Barnard realized that many of his friends were passionate about both football betting, and placing bets. Football was in its early stages of development, and it was not the same as today. As mentioned in the introduction, betting was only allowed on horse racing tracks.
Barnard believed he could make money by combining both these past experiences. He devised a way to bet on football matches and saw the winners claim their winnings from the pool of money collected. This is where the name of this new form of gambling comes from. He calculated that if he kept ten percent of the pot, that would pay his management costs and provide him with a steady income. He was so discouraged by the failure of his idea that he gave up when he met John Moores. Moores saw the potential and returned a coupon to Manchester where he was working.
Moores was a messenger boy with Bill Hughes and Colin Askham. They were always looking for money and devising schemes to get out of the Post Office. Moores brought the betting coupon back with him and his friends explained all the possibilities. Each invested PS50 to help the scheme get off the ground. This was a significant amount of money back then. They purchased a cheap printer and rented an office on Church Street in Liverpool. They printed four thousand coupons in their first run, and distributed them outside Manchester United’s Old Trafford stadium on Saturday afternoon in 1923. Football betting was born.
Littlewoods was named because three of its founders worked for the Commercial Cable Company. Outside employment was not football betting. They decided not to name the new venture after their surnames because they were more likely to be found เว็บแทงบอล. Askham instead told them about the aunt who raised him as an orphan, and that his birth name is Colin Henry Littlewood. The new business was renamed Littlewoods Football Betting, a name that would become part of an empire.
The three men returned to Old Trafford on that cold afternoon and were shocked to find only thirty-five of their 4000 coupons had been returned. The total amount of bets placed was just four pounds seven shillings, sixpence and it cost the businessmen ten percent. This meant that their expenses were not covered by the ten per cent taken out of the pot. Instead of panicking and giving up, the men doubled down and printed ten thousand coupons before going to Hull to distribute them. It’s easy to imagine their disappointment when only one of the ten thousand coupons was returned at Old Trafford.
The decision would prove to be one that both men would regret. Littlewoods Pools would eventually flourish to the point that John Moores was a millionaire. It’s not clear why this suddenly worked with the football betting public, but it is likely that frustration at being unable to wager on their favorite sport played a role. People are always suspicious of new ventures but will likely be convinced if they realize that it is a legitimate thing. Moores was convicted and prosecuted under the Ready Money Betting Act. However, he appealed the decision and won his case. The Pools accepted only postal orders and no cash.